The consolidated plan of inspections of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs for 2020.
The Prosecutor General’s Office of the Russian Federation and the Moscow City Prosecutor’s Office published a consolidated plan of inspections of...
The concept of the state migration policy of the Russian Federation for 2019-2025.
Presidential Decree No. 622 of 31 October 2018 approved the Concept of the state migration policy of the Russian Federation for 2019 - 2025. The...
Hinkels Consulting — 是一个独立的律师事务所,在俄罗斯市场经营的俄罗斯和外国公司法律顾问。
我们律师的经验很强。我们提供的服务是: 移民和劳工法,公司法,房地产,讨债,纠纷, 税收和知识产权。客户选择Hinkels公司作为其法律顾问,因为他们在本所律师的技能有信心。