Changes in migration legislation that came into force on January 1, 2018.
Migration registration
On January 1, 2018 the Administrative regulations of the Ministry of internal Affairs of Russia of November 23, 2017 N 881 on...
The consolidated plan of inspections of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs for 2020.
The Prosecutor General’s Office of the Russian Federation and the Moscow City Prosecutor’s Office published a consolidated plan of inspections of...
Changes in the migration legislation, which came into force on January 1, 2018.
Migration registration
On January 1, 2018 the Administrative regulations of the Ministry of internal Affairs of Russia of November 23, 2017 N 881 on...
第五届论坛“印度 - 俄罗斯商务对话”。
11月19日在莫斯科举行的第五届论坛“印度 - 俄罗斯商务对话”。
活动是由印度工商联盟(IBA)在印度的大使馆和商务委员会与印度合作(VSSI)在RF CCI。
论坛嘉宾:Ajay Malhotra - 在俄罗斯联邦印度驻,Sergei Cheremin - 对外经济和国际关系莫斯科主管,Sergei Katyrin - 商会会长。
Hinkels Consulting专家根据该方案专举行会议讨论在俄罗斯和印度,投资保护,俄印经贸关系的发展做业务的问题。